An update to Azure Maps Lite for UWP

Azure Maps Lite for UWP SDK was released more than a year ago. Over the year, there is new capabilities expose thought REST APIs and it’s time to update this SDK.
You can install the latest Azure Maps Lite SDK for UWP thru nuget CLI
PM> Install-Package AzureMapsLite -Version 1.0.0
What’s NEW for this release?
- Azure Maps Lite SDK now support x86, x64, ARM, ARM64.
The initial release only support x86 platform, this create the problem for supporting other platforms. With these release, all available platforms are now supported. - UWP MapControl Tile support.
The initial release of the SDK only support the Tile features by returning bitmap image of the requested area. With this release, you can add Azure Maps Tile to your MapControl with zero effort.
- Bugs fix for GetRouteDirections
Previously, RouteResultGuidance and summaryOnly option for RouteRepresentation was missing. With these release, the bugs were addressed.
What’s Upcoming?
Azure Maps team also announced that in coming weeks, will release the preview support of Weather Service for Azure Maps. This is the effort of partnership with AccuWeather, a leading weather service provider to provide real time around the globe weather information.
Azure Maps Lite SDK will update accordingly to support the new services when it is available.
If you have any suggestion or issue, please feel free to write to me.